I’ve finally found my calorie number

I feel so damn dumb right now. After dropping my calories down to the 2000-2600 range I’m finally starting to lose weight. I started with around 3000 calories two months ago. I don’t even remember the reason I went so high. I think I was worried about feeding the muscle or something like that. I remember reading somewhere that you’re supposed to eat even more to lose weight. I actually saw someone say that a 260 pound guy should eat 3500 calories!

I guess I’m glad that went through all of this anyway if only because I have a better understanding of what that much food does to my body. Basically 3000 calories keeps me at about the same weight. If I wanted to weigh 260 pounds for the rest of my life I would stick with that number. I don’t, so I dropped it, and I’m seeing results. Trial and error is pretty much the only way to go with pretty much anything fitness wise. Whether it’s a lifting plan or an eating plan, if you don’t try it you’ll never know if it works or not. Now I have a better understanding of what works.

It’s a little ironic that today on Alwyn Cosgrove’s blog he pretty much laid out what I should do. He got an email from someone who weighed 260 and was looking to lose weight. The interesting part of it for me was that Alwyn recommended 2600 calories. I assume he chose that number based on the 10x your bodyweight formula I recently learned. Should a 250 pound guy eat 2500? Does 240lbs = 2400 cals? I can only assume that’s right. Maybe I’ll email him or something.

He also recommended high protein and more vegetables along with reducing starchy carbs. That’s what I’m doing right now. I’m actually eating green stuff with my meals now. I’ve also drastically reduced my bread intake. A loaf of bread lasts me 3-4 weeks now. It used to be gone in less then one.

The point of all this is that I was a little worried that my calorie numbers were off and I was sacrificing muscle to lose weight. I want to do things the right way. I guess my recent horrible lift got me thinking. Any doubts I had are now gone. I’m officially sold on 2600 calories. Any stupid worries about losing muscle or anything like that are gone. At this point, I’m buying whatever Alwyn’s selling. I know I bitched and moaned about my lack of weight loss recently but the plain truth is that my body has transformed significantly over the past six months. My stomach doesn’t hang over my belt. I’ve also lost the man boobs. In fact, I’m actually starting to see muscles in my body. Huge stuff. Even without losing a single pound. It’s all thanks to New Rules of Lifting and Afterburn.

Now I feel like I’m right where I need to be calorie wise. I just wish Alwyn had posted that entry two months ago.

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