Daily Archives: October 15, 2007

NROL, Strength I, workout 1D

I’ve completed the cycle and seen all the lifts of Strength I. I think I can handle it expecially since I now have a good idea of the weights I should be using. I’m absolutely loving the 3 minute rest periods between sets. I can DEFINITELY get used to that. It’s good to feel like I’m actually making progress and lifting heavy weight.

Today was chin up day. Unfortunately I can’t do a chin up so I simulated them with lat pulldowns. I can do one rep at 225 pounds so I’m only 40 pounds away from doing a real live chin up. At least in theory. It might not really work out that way. We’ll see. Even so, I’d still like to be able to do my body weight before I’m done.

Lat pulldown (simulated chin up) – 6×150, 1×180, 6×180, 1×225, 10×165

(Way too low on the first two sets. 225 felt really hard but I had no trouble with form.)

Barbell shoulder press – 6×115, 1×145, 6×125, 1×150, 10×105

(My numbers are bad for this one. I think I went too high. I don’t like my form at all. Maybe this lift is just awkward in general. Not sure. I’ll have to reassess this one next time.)

Dumbbell bench press – 6×55, 6×60

(The 55 pound dumbbells felt too light but the 60’s felt heavy. Still, I should be able to go to the 65’s next time. I hope so, at least.)

Wide grip cable seated row – 6×180, 6×180

(No doubt that 180 is my absolute max here. Didn’t leave anything back. Hard as hell.)

Lower body russian twist – 10xBW, 10xBW

(These are getting easier.)